Hilton, 34, visited a group of AIDS-infected children at a home in Mumbai during her India visit in 2012 and what she saw inspired her to make it part of her life's work to help disadvantaged kids, reported New You magazine.
"There's this one orphanage in India where all the children there were left there because their parents all died of AIDS and the children had it as well. They were all in there, just so sick," Hilton said.
Since that visit, Hilton has made a vow to visit orphanages in every country she goes to and always spoils the children with toys and gifts.
Recalling that life altering day in India, she added, "I brought them all (children in orphanages) toys and art projects and they were saying, 'This is so sweet, no one ever visits them and people are scared to hang out with them.' That just made me so hurt inside that these poor children, who are literally dying, are being treated like outcasts.
When asked what her plan is for the future, Hilton admitted she wants to use her fame to help orphans all over the globe.
"I know that I have a voice to help those who don't (have a voice), and I'm really going to dedicate my life a lot to that in the upcoming years ... I have worked very hard and I have a really big heart," she said.