Vistara has appointed Ravinder Pal Singh its chief information officer, who will be in charge of the full-service carrier's IT as well as innovation functions.
He would consolidate, identify, acquire, evaluate and incubate the right technology to support the airline's IT and digital platforms, the airline said in a release on Thursday.
Vistara — a joint venture between the Tatas and Singapore Airlines — has a fleet of 11 aircraft.
Besides, Singh would be "responsible to induce innovation as core to Vistara's culture, thereby creating communities and co-creation projects to realise ideas as true business differentiators," the release said.
Earlier, Singh was associated with companies like Microsoft, Accenture and Wipro. He also holds several technology patents.
"I am looking forward to transforming its (Vistara) IT platforms and making it a technology disruptor in this sector. This will help in accelerating the business growth and reveal the hidden potential in the organisation," Singh said.