"To be precise, it is 17.10 lakh hits and counting...The song has gone viral. It is picturised on new actress, Uttar Pradesh girl Vinutalal based in Bangalore, and Biyon Gemini. It is basically a love song, depicting the feelings of a boy and girl, shot in Kothamangalam," Yusuff told PTI.
The duet is rendered by popular young singer Najim Arshad and Mridula Warrier.
Directed by debutant Sennan Pallassery, 'Parankimala' is a remake of the 1981 critically acclaimed movie by late director Bharathan, he said.
Yusuff said he had done two songs in the movie and this one "really clicked". The lyrics of the composition have been penned by Murugan Katakkada.
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He has also done the background score in 'Parankimala'. "It is only because I am a keyboard programmer, I am able to do it. It is difficult."
He acknowledges the efforts of the director and others in this as the scene has to be explained to him before he can compose the score as he cannot visually experience it.