To mark the occasion of Anti Obesity Day on November 26, the company would provide DNA scan to individuals at its centres countrywide and also educate them on issues leading to the problem such as weight gain, exercise and food habits etc.
Besides, the company would provide adequate healthcare resources to affected people associated with the campaign at nominal prices.
Citing various global researches, the company said obesity in not only dependent upon diet and lifestyle of an individual, but also governed by information stored in DNA.
He further said the investment would be over Rs 30 crore on equipment and other services to be provided to people.
According to a study published in the British medical journal 'The Lancet', there were 20 million obese women in India in 2014 and 9.8 million men were obese.
VLCC operates over 200 wellness centres across the country and sells its products ranging from skin care and hair care, among others, across over 70,000 retail stores in India.