Piramal said in a statement it will get Rs 1,960 per share, over 50 per cent more than the Rs 1,290 a share it paid in 2011-12 to buy the stake in Vodafone India in two tranches for a total consideration of Rs 5,864 crore.
After the government allowed foreign companies to own up to 100 per cent of Indian telecommunication carriers, Vodafone had announced plans in October 2013 to take full control of the India unit by buying out minority partners for a total of Rs 10,141 crore.
It had directly or indirectly held 84.5 per cent of Vodafone India, the nation's second-largest telecom company.
Newbury, England-based Vodafone carried out the deal through its indirect subsidiary, Prime Metals Ltd, Piramal said.
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After the Piramal deal, Vodafone will be the first foreign telecom company to take full control of an Indian operator.
Piramal shares rose 3.73 per cent to Rs 556.15 at the close on the BSE, the highest level since January 22.
"I am glad to say that we have delivered against our targeted returns with this investment," he added.