A CBI spokesperson said the agency seized incriminating documents, cash, jewellery and other assets worth about Rs two crore after the searches at the Chirayu Medical College in the Bairagarh area here and the residences of Managing Director A Goenka and the Administrative Officer.
The latest searches pertain to alleged fraudulent allotment of MBBS seats in the said college in 2011.
"It was alleged that a student of MBBS course of PMT, 2010 in a college at Gwalior, in conspiracy with others appeared again in Pre-Medical Test (PMT) 2011 and during counselling got allotted a government quota seat in a medical college in Bhopal.
"There were 63 government quota seats in the said college which were to be filled through PMT examination conducted by state government in the year 2011. It was further alleged that out of these 63 government quota seats allotted to various candidates on the basis of merit by DME, 47 have been shown vacated by the college authorities just before the cut-off date, September 30, 2011 and these 47 seats were filled not through the counselling conducted by DME but by the college management itself," the spokesperson said.