Irate residents of Uttam Nagar area of West Delhi said there was neither power nor water supply in the area for the past 29 hours as the connections were snapped since 5 pm yesterday.
"The people of the area are having a harrowing time as power and water services have not been restored. People are having a very difficult time and the authorities are not doing enough to restore the power and water supply. We demand immediate action from the Lt Governor," Congress leader and four time former MLA from Uttam Nagar, Mukesh Sharma said.
Power and water supply were severely affected in several areas of Delhi after yesterday's dustorm. Power Department official said "it would take some more time to restore the electricity line in some areas of West Delhi as four major transmission towers were badly damaged."
The outages severely affected operations at various water treatment plants, seriously affecting water supply in the city.
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Power supply to areas such as Dwarka and Rohini was restored late in the afternoon.
"We will chalk out an action plan and present resolutions against AAP and BJP who have betrayed the expectations of the city dwellers," he said.