"Our aim is to fetch more than 300 seats for the Narendra Modi-led BJP through the Yoga Mahotsav, which will be attended by 10 crore Indians," Ramdev said upon completion of a meeting here of the workers of Bharat Swabhiman Trust, the organisers of the 'Yoga Mahotsav' which kicks off across the country on March 23.
Ramdev has been a vocal supporter of Gujarat Chief Minister Modi, who is the BJP's prime ministerial candidate.
He said he himself intends to visit more than 100 Lok Sabha constituencies to convince people about the need to cast their vote for a stable government.
Slamming Congress, he said, "Congress has robbed the country in a way even the British did not."
Talking about Arvind Kejriwal and his stand against corruption, Ramdev said that although the Delhi Chief Minister demands resignations and inquiries over allegations against leaders from other parties, he comes out in full support of his own party members when they faced charges.