The 52-year-old actor, who appeared at a promotional event for "Secret Superstar" which proved a massive hit since its release on January 19 in China, in his interactions with Chinese film personalities said: "I want to really do a film with Chinese and Indian talent".
"It will be really wonderful," Aamir said, according to video clips posted by microblogging site Weibo, which is akin to Twitter in China.
"It would also bring two countries close. It will be wonderful for Indian audience to see the Chinese actors and Chinese talent," he said.
Aamir, along with "Secret Superstar" co-star Zaira Wasim, appeared in the promotional show at a five star hotel here along with several Chinese film stars.
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Reports said that his film crossed Rs 200 crore since it was released. Huge crowds were seen at the theatres in several cities including Beijing and Shanghai.
Aamir has become a household name in China after the success of "Dangal" last year which raked up over Rs 1,100 crore since it was released in China.
Most of the Chinese schools recommended the movie to parents and students for inspiration.
Aamir's earlier movie "3 Idiots" was also successful, specially with school and college kids as it dwelled on the theme of monotonous approach towards education focussing just on academic success.