Manoj Kumar Bhanwarilal Gupta alias Munna, an associate of prime absconding accused Tiger, is not traceable according to the CBI. As per the prosecution, he had accompanied Tiger to adjoining Raigad district to facilitate the landing of arms and ammunition prior to the March 12, 1993, blasts and also on return journey to Mumbai to distribute the contraband to co-accused.
Munna was awarded 14 years imprisonment, which he has already served, by the Special Court and was on bail. However, the apex court enhanced his sentence to life term. He is now absconding and has missed the deadline to surrender.
Singh apologised to Designated TADA Court Judge G A Sanap and said he could not surrender on April 18 because of some family commitments. The court also accepted the plea made by Singh's lawyer Farhana Shah to allow the convict to take medicines along with him in jail.
Singh was given nine years imprisonment of which he has spent about eight years in prison.
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Thirty-six other convicts surrendered on April 17 and 18 before the TADA Court here in keeping with the deadline. All of them have been kept in central prison at Arthur Road in central Mumbai from where they would be sent to various prisons in Maharashtra to serve their remaining sentence.
In 1993, 13 blasts rocked various parts of Mumbai killing 257 and injuring over 700 others.