The 28-year-old actress made her Bollywood debut with Emraan Hashmi-starrer "Crook" in 2010 after which she was seen in films like "Youngistaan", "Jyantabhai ki Luv Story" and "Kyaa Super Kool Hain Hum".
Neha, however, says she tried making the best out of what she was offered.
"I didn't think they (offers) were what I truly deserved. They were not truly exciting or satisfying. I picked the best from whatever I was offered and tried doing things which would help me. It was a bit disappointing," Neha told PTI.
Neha said she doesn't have the liberty to pick-and-choose which successful actresses have, but is extremely content with her decade-long journey in the film industry starting with her Telugu debut in 2007.
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"A Vidya and a Kangana will have a hundred things to pick from which will be fantastic, but for an actor who is just beginning and hasn't made a mark already, things will be difficult. I consider myself still an outsider. I am still trying to know how it works. It is difficult to understand how things work here but it has been a great journey," she said.
The 2001 release, directed by Anubhav Sinha, was a surprise hit at the box office and still has a dedicated fan following owing to its heart-touching love story and melody.
Neha says she is not nervous about people's expectations but she wants the film to work for all the hardwork the team has put in.
"There's no nervousness in terms of what is going to happen with the film. I've seen highest of highs and lows. That doesn't bother me. But, you are nervous that you want the film, in which you've put in so much, to work."