Aurangabad Lok Sabha MP andMaharashtra AIMIM chief Imtiyaz Jaleel on Friday said his party was expecting "something serious" from Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Friday address and not a plea to switch off electricity and light lamps and candles to show the country's resolve to fight the coronavirus outbreak.Prime Minister Narendra Modi, earlier in the day, urged people to switch off lights of their homes at 9 pm for nine minutes on April 5 and light up lamps, candles, mobile flashlights to display the nation's collective spirit to defeat coronavirus."In this crucial situation, we were expecting something serious from the PM. When the PM told us to clap for our medical and police teams, people came out to play garba in Gujarat and dance in Pune," Jaleel said.In reply, BJP Rajya Sabha MP Bhagwat Karad said this was not the time to play politics and asked the AIMIM to follow th PM's appeal to show the country was united to combat the virus outbreak.