Mishra, who also holds the charge of Chairman of Delhi Jal Board, had on June 19 formed a 'Fact-Finding Committee' to look into the hiring of around 385 stainless steel water tankers from private companies during the Sheila Dikshit government in 2012.
The move comes after the committee submitted its report to DJB. In the report, the committee allegedly found irregularities in the tendering process, leading to a loss of Rs 400 crore for the government.
He requested that an FIR should be lodged by Delhi government based on the Fact-Finding Committee's report against all those involved in this scam.
Mishra also expressed fears that attempts would be made to destablise the AAP government and remove him from his post.
"This is a big expose and I am afraid that immediately after this, there will be attempts to destablise our government in Delhi and also to remove me from this chair," he said.