Ahead of festivals like Eid and Durga Puja, the Mamata Banerjee-government has decided to give an amount of Rs 3,600 as ad-hoc bonus to its employee with monthly income of Rs 26,000, a notification issued yesterday by the state finance department, said.
Last year the ad-hoc bonus was Rs 3,400.
The disbursement of sanctioned ad-hoc bonus should be made by June 19 for Muslim employees and for state government employees (other than Muslim employees) such disbursement should be made in between September 11-18, the notification said.
The advance will be recovered from the salary of the employees in not more than ten monthly instalments, if the amount is exactly divisible by ten, it said.
Employees who will retire on a date after the issue of the notification, but before November 1, will not be allowed any festival advance. Employees retiring after the said date will be eligible for it, the notification said.