"The West Bengal government has agreed to support the project by offering 130 acres of land at Bantala leather complex. The footwear park will attract an investment of Rs 1,000 crore," Council of Leather Exports chairman Ramesh Juneja said here.
"The state government has directed the Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority to construct the new effluent treatment plant and revamp the drainage system to felicitate the footwear complex. It will cost around Rs 100 crore," he said.
"Bengal once held an important place in footwear industry clocking about 18 per cent share in exports. Now it has become nil," Juneja said.
Beside, footwear park andother leather goods park would also be constructed and 110 acres in Bantala will be allotted by the government, he added.
In 2014-15, Indian leather sector exports was at USD 6.5 billion. "Till December exports was USD 4.4 billion but till March exports could remain at USD 5.5-6 billion," the chairman said.