In the tariff petition with the West Bengal State Electricty Regulatory Commission, the state utility had asked for a average tariff of Rs 6.57 a unit for 2014-15, Rs 7.01 for 2015-16 and Rs 7.39 a unit for 2015-16 and 2016-17, respectively.
The current tariff a consumer of WBSEDCL is paying is Rs 6.59 for each unit of consumption, including MVCA adjustments.
If the regulator accepts the demand, a household consumer using around 200 units a month will see a paltry decline of bill of Rs 4 in the first year (2014-15).
While, in 2015-16, they will see their bill soar up by Rs 88 per month and in 2016-17, their average bill amount would go up by Rs 74 per month.
State utility caters to some 1.35 lakh customers except Kolkata and Howrah distribution area that is catered by private utility CESC Ltd.