West Bengal BJP chief Dilip Ghosh, whose party swept the north Bengal region including Darjeeling seat in the Lok Sabha elections, Sunday said the party has never promised to create a separate Gorkhaland state.
Ghosh also said the National Register of Citizens (NRC) will soon be implemented in West Bengal on the lines of Assam.
"We want development of Gorkha people. We are sympathetic to the Gorkhaland statehood demand, but had never promised a separate state," he said while speaking to the media after a workers' meet here in Jalpaiguri district.
Reacting to the statement of the BJP chief, Darjeeling MLA and Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) spokesperson Neeraj Zimba said, "Dilip Ghosh has his own political compulsions but that does not stop us from continuing our demand for separate Gorkhaland state."
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