Gujarat Chief Minister VijayRupani on Thursday launched a week-long campaign to educate citizens on issues related to COVID-19, and said that people should learn to live with coronavirus while fighting against it.The chief minister launched the campaign named 'Hu Pan Corona Warrior' (I am also corona warrior) via video- conferencing from Gandhinagar.As part of the campaign, influential persons, writers and artists would address people everyday through Facebook Live to motivate as well as educate people about the pandemic and ways to stay safe as part, an official release said.During the launch, Rupani saidthat people need to develop the habit of living with coronavirus while simultaneously waging a battle against it."Bringing back normalcy amid lockdown is also crucial in the present situation," he said.As part of the campaign, spiritual leader and Ram Katha orator Morari Bapu adressed the people on Thursday on how to live with the pandemic.The campaign, which will run till May 27, is aimed at making people aware about three basic rules to fight coronavirus - children and elderly citizens should remain indoors, not venturing out without mask and always maintaining social distancing.Rupani urged citizens to take selfies with grandparents and post them on social media platforms with hashtag 'HuPanCoronaWarrior' on May 22.On May 24, people can click photos wearing masks and post them using the same hashtag, the release said.On May 26, people will be encouraged to download Aarogya Setu app on their mobile phones, it added.Barring the containment zones, Gujarat has lifted a majority of restrictions on businesses and people's movement across the state in the fourth phase of the lockdown.With 749 fatalities till May 20, Gujarat is one of the worst coronavirus-affected states in the country.