A bench headed by Chief Justice P Sathasivam said it is aware about the prevailing situation and will pass direction if required. It also directed that a PIL pending in the Allahabad High Court be transferred to the apex court.
"We are not closing the writ petition. Till the end we will monitor the development. We are not passing the final order," the bench, also comprising justices Ranjana Prakash Desai and Ranjan Gogoi, said.
"I am making an unconditional statement that whatsoever is needed by the state government, whether it is a financial assistance or security personnel, will be provided by the Centre," Attorney General G E Vahanvati said.
"No blame game on this. It is a human tragedy and we have to move forward," he submitted.
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The court after hearing the arguments of the Centre, state government and the petitioners listed the case for hearing on September 26.
It said if they are really interested in restoring communal harmony, they should try to help the victims and not indulge in publicity.
"Are you here really for helping the affected families or merely for publicity? How many writ petitions and applications we will go into," the bench asked when one or the other lawyers were making submission.