"The crop coverage area has gone up by 10 per cent to 4.5 lakh hectares against about 4 lakh hectares last year. Based on the coverage area, we are expecting a bumper crop of 110 lakh tonnes," West Bengal Cold Storage Association (WBCSA) president Rampada Paul said here today.
The new crop has already started arriving in markets and with 62 lakh tonnes of potato stored in about 435 cold storages, there is no need for further capacity expansion, WBCSA president-elect Patit Paban De said.
Asked about potato price movement, WBCSA officials said the price is unlikely to come below Rs 10-12 per kg at retail level.
The golden jubilee celebration of WBCSA, to be inaugurated by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, would be held on January 19 and 20.