Bata India has to complete the inquiry within three months and file a report with Sebi within seven days thereafter, the regulator said, adding that the financial figures pertaining to the October-December quarter 2015 of the firm were matching with those that were in circulation prior to official announcement.
After Axis Bank, HDFC Bank and Tata Motors, Bata India is the fourth company related to whom the regulator has passed an order in the high-profile case of leakage of sensitive financial details prior to formal announcement of quarterly results.
In a four-page order, Sebi said at this stage, the source/ origin of the leakage of unpublished price sensitive information (UPSI) cannot be ascertained.
It said it can prima facie be inferred that the UPSI relating to financials of Bata India was leaked.
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"Such leakage is prima facie attributable to the inadequacy of the processes/ controls/ systems that Bata India as a listed company had put in place," Sebi said.
Apart from directing Bata India to "strengthen its processes/ systems/ controls" forthwith to ensure that such instances of leakage of UPSI do not recur in future, Sebi also asked the firm to conduct an internal inquiry into the leakage and take appropriate action against those responsible for it.
Sebi said the inquiry should include determination of the possible role of persons in relation to leakage of UPSI including those involved in generation of the original data for the purpose of determination of key figures pertaining to financial figures.
According to the order of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), the role of any other person who had access to the information also has to be probed.
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