However, other grains including rice held steady in limited deals.
Marketmen said reduced offtake by flour mills against adequate stocks mainly kept pressure on wheat prices.
In the national capital, wheat dara (for mills)eased by Rs 5 to Rs 1,675-1,705 per quintal. Atta chakki delivery followed suit and traded lower by Rs 10 to Rs 1,700-1,715 per 90 kg.
Following are today's quotations (in Rs per quintal):
Wheat MP (desi) 2,000-2,600, Wheat dara (for mills) Rs 1,675-1,705, Chakki atta (delivery) Rs 1,700-1,715, Atta Rajdhani (10 kg) Rs 230, Shakti Bhog (10 kg) Rs 230, Roller flour mill Rs 910-915 (50 kg), Maida Rs 950-955 (50 kg) and Sooji Rs 1,100-1,105 (50 kg).