The 71-year-old actors, who is the son of noted poet Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Teji Bachchan, reminisced the journey he used to undertake from Allahabad to Karachi to meet his grand parents. Bachchan was two-year-old when the incident took place.
"I think the train journey would take two days then from Allahabad to Karachi, where my Grandfather, a Bar-at-Law from England in the early 1900's was living. On returning from there, the station where our train had to change, in the rush of the crowd and the passengers, suddenly my mother discovered that I was not with my father, whose hand I was supposed to be holding.
"Rushing to the site, my parents found me happily sitting on the floor of the bridge, my rather long legs even at that age, dangling off the railing, watching intensely the trains passing by," he added.
The 'Bhoothnath Returns' star said he still watches them but now those moments take him to his childhood days.