The 36-year-old actor gave detail about the on-set incident, saying after the scene was completed the "Star Wars" star brought ice for him, reported AceShowbiz.
"Yeah, (Ford) did (punch me in the face). It was kind of, you know, a rite of passage. We were just doing a fight scene and, you know, it just happened.
"But what was funny was, when it was over, they brought ice for my face, and Harrison pushed me out of the way and stuck his fist in the ice," he said.
When asked if he was hurt, Gosling said, "You know... (Ford) is tough. He's been an inspiration to everyone-everyone is doing push-ups now and taking an interest in their fitness. As soon as it happened, the director came up to me and said, 'Look at it this way-you just got hit by Indiana Jones'.