The 56-year-old actor, who recently walked out a free man after serving jail term following his conviction in the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts, wrote over 500 'sher' (couplet) along with two inmates and now he plans to release the poetry collection in form of book titled "Salaakhen".
"I wrote something. And I will release the book, 'Salaakhen'. We will show it to some people (publishers). Me along with, Zeishan Qureshi, Sameer Hingle (inmates) and wrote 500 sher they were with me in radio station. It is all in Hindi," Dutt said.
"Out of the 500 sher I must have written 100 or so. At times I feel surprised that have I actually written this. I remember my wife had come to meet me once and she was having fever and still she came to see me. I insisted she should come to meet me. I felt very bad after seeing her," he said.
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But writing is not something that actor is willing to take up and is waiting eagerly to get back to the routine life of 'lights, camera, action'.
Though Dutt is yet to talk about the films he would be
doing, it is confirmed that he will is working in director Siddharth Anand's next, an action drama which is likely to go on floors this summer. This is most likely to be the first film that Dutt will shoot after his release.
Dutt's close friend, director Hirani is also currently working on the biopic of "Vaastav" star, with Ranbir Kapoor in lead role.
Besides this, director Indra Kumar also plans to make the third part of the "Dhamaal" franchise with Dutt. "Oh My God" director Umesh Shukla has a story for Dutt which he had narrated to Manyata when the actor was in jail.
Meanwhile, rumours were also doing rounds that Dutt's friend, "Kaante" director Sanjay Gupta too wants to make a film with him but no confirmation has come so far from the director's end.