It was during a flight from Bombay to Delhi with the then reigning superstar Rajesh Khanna that RD composed the scintillating "Ye jo mohabbat hai" song for the 1971 film "Kati Patang", says a new book.
"R D Burman - The Prince of Music", further reveals that the airborne composition was appreciated so much by Khanna that he specially created space for the song in the film.
"Rajesh liked what he heard and prevailed upon producer-director friend Shakti Samanta to create a situation in "Kati Patang", which was on the floors at the time, to accommodate RD's airborne melody. And that's how the song "Ye jo mohabbat hai" was added to "Kati Patang" and went on to become a classic," says Khagesh Dev Burman, the author.
The song struck gold with listeners and became an instant hit.