A senior Delhi Police official today said that the FIR in the case will be lodged after ascertaining her age, which will be done when her father arrives here from Jharkhand tomorrow with her age-related document.
The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW), two days ago, had rescued the minor girl from the doctor's house in north-west Delhi's Mukherjee nagar locality with the help of police.
"We have received the DCW notice. The girl's father will be arriving here tomorrow along with the her age-related documents. It still needs to determined whether she is a minor and accordingly an FIR will be lodged," the officer said.
"She has alleged that she was made to work till late in the night, assaulted and not given proper food. She was working in that house for the past eight months and no salary was paid to her," said a DCW official.
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Police, however, said no injuries were found on her body during a medical examination.
"We are not sure about her age as she is not being able to clarify whether she is 16 or 18 years of age. After her father reaches tomorrow, her statement will be recorded and further course of action will be decided," he said.
At present, she is lodged at a shelter home.