Though the governments, both at the Centre and the city, claimed they have initiated a number of measures to improve security of women, experts and activists feel not much success has been achieved to make women feel safe in Delhi.
The Delhi Government had rolled out a slew of initiatives like setting up a helpline (181) for women but its promise of installing GPS system in buses and autos, introduction of special pink autos for women and streamlining the transport system remained on paper.
According to Delhi police data, a total of 1493 cases of rape were registered in the national capital till November 30 which is more than double in 2012 while molestation cases have registered a five-fold increase to 3,237.
Even the victim's father rued that even after so much hue and cry, the "change" is missing.
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"There were huge protests and even the laws were changed and police have become more active and alert, but have the crimes against women stopped. Every other day cases of rape and sexual harassment are getting reported, where is the change. I don't see any change...Do you?" he told PTI.
The Centre had brought a legislation in April that provided for life term and even death sentence for rape convicts besides stringent punishment for offences like acid attacks, stalking and voyeurism.
The Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill-2013 was brought against the backdrop of the country-wide outrage over Delhi gangrape, and it was named the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013.