RTI-applicant Shradhanand Yogacharya also raised another query, seeking to know the meaning of "Satyameva Jayate", the motto inscribed at the base of the national emblem.
The application, which was addressed to President's Secretariat, was transferred to Home Ministry which forwarded it to the Law Ministry.
Failing to get any satisfactory response, Shradhanand took the matter to the Central Information Commission where, during the hearing held through video conferencing, a Law Ministry official told him that they can only provide information which is part of the records.
He asked the applicant to understand the expressions in the context of circumstances or based on judicial explanations available in various judgements or law books.
Chitkara told Shradhanand that meaning of words like Eeshwar, Satya, Jati, Nyay and Dharma are supposed to be explained by teachers and Acharyas but cannot be asked under the RTI Act where the term "information" is clearly defined under the law.