As for beetroot, prices would rule between Rs 30 for hill grown varieties and Rs.26 per kg for grown in plains, TNAU said.
The Price Forecasting Scheme in TNAU analyzed wholesale prices of carrot in the last 11 years in Mettupalayam wholesale market and the results revealed the price behaviour.
A total of 9.50 lakh tonnes of carrot was produced in India in 2015-2016 in 0.65, with major growing states being Haryana,Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Assam.
Arrivals from Malur district of Karnataka to Mettupalayam market has ceased in April itself and the demand for carrot grown in Nilgiris is slightly higher than the last year.
It said beetroot was cultivated in 1,421 hectares in Tamil Nadu in 2015-16.