Raising the issue during Zero Hour in the Rajya Sabha, Tulsi said "the non-performing assets (NPAs) ratio continue to surge. It is expected that the government will take concrete steps to contain the present situation.
"The government should apprise the House what steps it is taking against wilful defaulters and why there is no action against those defaulters, who were declared wilful defaulters last year despite clear and strict RBI guidelines?"
Tulsi further said the aggregate net profit of 39 listed banks fell by 98 per cent to Rs 307 crore for the quarter ending December 2015 from Rs 16,806 crore in the year earlier. "Such has been the surge in bad loans that it has wiped out profits of 12 out of 39 listed banks," he said.
Bank of Baroda reported a net loss of Rs 3,342 crore for the third quarter of this fiscal, highest by any bank. Indian Overseas Bank has highest NPA ratio of 12.64 per cent and UCO Bank has second highest NPA ratio of 10.98 per cent, he added.