In a statement issued today, Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj and her Rajya Sabha counterpart Arun Jaitley referred to a newspaper report which quoted CBI official K R Chaurasia as stating that the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh "requires to be questioned" as he held the Coal portfolio from 2006-09.
"The coal block allocation scam is becoming murkier and murkier.... The consequence of this (Chaurasia's demand) is critical to the investigation. A substantially large number of files/documents/applications connected with the coal block allocation scam have disappeared. The documentary evidence is missing," the two leaders said in their joint statement.
"The oral examination is not being permitted. The consequences of this will be critical and adverse to the investigation. It seems that the effort of the UPA government is to sabotage the investigation and render it ineffective," they said.
The party demanded that government register an FIR on the case of stolen files and explain whey this has not yet been done.