Scientist have identified brain regions that make people procrastinate -- to put tasks off rather than tackling them directly.
Researchers at Ruhr-Universitat Bochum in Germany used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to identified two brain areas whose volume and functional connectivity are linked to an individual's ability to control their actions.
They examined 264 women and men in an MRI scanner. They assessed the volume of individual brain regions and the functional connectivity between them. In addition, all participants completed a survey measuring their own ability to execute action control.
Individuals with poor action control had a larger amygdala. Moreover, the functional connection between the amygdala and the so-called dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dorsal ACC) was less pronounced.
The primary function of the amygdala is to assess different situations with regard to their respective outcomes and to warn us about potential negative consequences of particular actions.
The dorsal ACC uses this information in order to select actions that are to be put into practice. Moreover, by suppressing competing actions and emotions, it ensures that the selected action can be successfully completed