In its affidavit, the Delhi Police said the sites will be surveyed in respect to the required technical support and after the finalisation of the technical specifications, "a consolidated proposal will be forwarded to the Home Ministry for procurement of the cameras."
This exercise will require one more month, the police submitted in its affidavit placed before a bench of justices B D Ahmed and Sanjeev Sachdeva which listed the matter for hearing on March 25.
On the issue of creating additional posts in the Delhi Police, the police said that the Home Ministry has sent them a letter saying that though the initial proposal was for 2907 more posts for crime investigation, 4749 personnel are required as per latest figures.
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"The MHA has sent the proposal for the creation of 4749 posts to internal finance department of MHA to proceed further," the Delhi police's affidavit said.
The affidavit was filed pursuant to the court's January 30 direction to Delhi Police seeking an action plan on where CCTV cameras can be "deployed" by "keeping in mind the crime mapping already done".
The court had also sought an affidavit indicating steps taken to induct additional force.
The affidavits were filed on a PIL initiated by the court on its own after the December 16 gangrape and in which an application was filed by advocate Meera Bhatia seeking that the CCTV cameras installed for US President Barack Obama's security should not be removed.