Gujarat BJP president Jitu Vaghani said the party and the state government would follow the legal and Constitutional provisions regarding such appointments.
Vaghani's response came a day after Gohil wrote to state Governor O P Kohli stating that the chief minister might appoint some disgruntled BJP MLAs as parliamentary secretaries in order to appease them.
Gohil also urged the governor "not to approve such appointments, as it will amount to the contempt of court".
"I reject the allegations levelled against us by Congress leaders. It shows their frustration. Some leaders are having a superiority complex, as they think that they are the only ones who know everything. This is an attempt by them to seek publicity," he told reporters.
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Questionning the need to write to the governor, Vaghani said the BJP always keeps in mind the legal as well as Constitutional provisions while taking decisions.
Citing a recent Supreme Court judgement, Gohil had claimed that such appointments, when made, are "unconstitutional" and will amount to the "contempt of court".
Though parliamentary secretaries were appointed by the previous state governments, the newly-formed Rupani government has not taken any call on appointments.