West Bengal BJP president Dilip Ghosh on Monday said he would soon write to Chief Secretary Rajiva Sinha, giving him names and details of over three lakh stranded workers who were eager to return to the state.
Of the 3.29 lakh names that would be sent to Sinha, 90 per cent were engaged in gold jewellery business in different parts of the country, Ghosh said.
"Last month, I had written to chief ministers and chief secretaries of 12 states giving names of 11,790 stranded people from Bengal. The information was duly shared with Sinha. This time, too, I would send an e-mail to Sinha mentioning names of 3.29 lakh labourers stuck outside Bengal," Ghosh said.
Iterating that the state was not keen on asking for special train services from the central government to bring home the migrant workers, he said, "I have information that people are walking along railway tracks and highways at many places to reach Bengal."
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