Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Saturday said several projects, including women police stations and Durga Shakti squads, will be launched for women safety in Gurgaon.
Khattar who was in Gurgaon at the Gita Mohatsav said his government had made a strict law against the rape of minor girls.
"We have to make society aware of women safety. We have made hundreds of efforts to strengthen policing in the state. Entire society, administration and government representatives should be responsible for women safety," Khattar said.
"Soon, women police stations and Durga Shakti squads will come to combat the crime against women. As many as 450 vehicles will be given to the Gurgaon police under the Dial 112 project," the CM said.
Khattar said the state government would launch programmes to make people aware of the crime against women.