Singh, who was today appointed as Uttar Pradesh's Lokayukta by the Supreme Court, said, "I have been in the government service for so many years. I have never paid heed to any political pressure...That anyone can get his work done by politically pressuring me."
"Whatever is right will be done. Whether there is any political pressure or bureaucratic influence...My priority will be that what is right is done," he said.
When it was brought to his notice that Lokayukta in UP has lesser powers as compared with their counterparts in other states, Singh said, "I think if an amendment is needed to achieve the objectives of our Lokayukat Act and if there is any provision in any other state which we could bring here and make effective then I will make efforts for it."
On cases pending against ministers, he said, "This question is quite premature as I haven't taken over...I don't have information as to what is pending and how to dispose it of, but I can say that I have never left anything pending and have always made effort to dispose it of in a speedy manner. If I found any pendency, I will make effort to dispose it of."