The 47-year-old actor, who earned an Oscar nomination for his portrayal of the legendary boxer in 2001 biopic "Ali", served as one of the pallbearers at the memorial in Louisville, Kentucky, as the late icon's body made one last trip through his native city as part of the funeral procession, reported Entertainment Tonight.
Smith says he was blown away by the thousands who lined the streets of Louisville to pay their last respects as Ali's casket travelled to the KFC Yum! Center, where a public interfaith memorial service continued.
"I learned a really valuable lesson about how the moment of the end of a life illuminates how it was lived. And every day you have to focus and concentrate on making sure you're living your life in a way that it illuminates the things you want illuminated, and the things that were illuminated today were his love, and his heart, and his unconditional appreciation for all people of every race and colour."
"Every age was out there. It was beautiful... 'Celebration' is the right word," Smith added.
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Ali's daughter Laila heaped praise on the actor for doing her father justice onscreen.
"He appreciated the great job that Will Smith did playing him. My father had a big impact on his life.
"He did a tremendous job playing that role, and he will forever be associated with my father, because as an actor, that's kind of a spiritual thing, playing Muhammad Ali - and being able to do it so well. Channel that energy that he needed to bring to that role," Laila Ali said.