"The Janata Dal(United) has put the ball in the Rashtriya Janata Dal's court. We will wait for the next four-five days to see what action Nitish Kumar takes against Tejashwi Yadav irrespective of whether or not the RJD gives para-wise reply to the charges levelled against its leader," senior BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi told reporters here.
Sushil said that there was no need to give the ultimatum to Tejashwi Yadav to come clean on corruption charges as Kumar had acted against his ministers in the past merely on the basis of their names cropping up in connection with corruption charges.
Kumar had accepted the resignations of Jitan Ram Manjhi, Awadhesh Kushwaha, Ramanand Singh and Ramadhar Singh in the past for their alleged involvement in criminal cases.
"Now the ball has returned to Tejashwi's court and it will be interesting to see whether he (Tejashwi) hits a six or bows out hit wicket," he said, adding going by Kumar's own record he will have no option but to sack his Deputy.
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"The RJD will have to give a para-wise reply with facts to the people's court."
Prasad and Tejashwi should say how they amassed properties worth Rs 1,000 crore, including three acres of prime land in Patna and four companies of which Yadav is director and share-holder, he said.
On the news reports quoting Bihar BJP president Nityanand Rai's statement that the BJP will extend outside support to the JD-U if he snaps ties with the RJD and the Congress, Sushil said the statement has been "twisted". "here is no question of either extending inside or outside support to the JD(U).
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