The 20-year-old actress, who made her Bollywood debut in 2010 with Karan Johar's 'Student Of The Year', did work in Mukesh Bhatt's 'Sangharsh' where she played the young Preity Zinta.
Ever since making her debut, Alia has signed three other big banner films but none of them are with Vishesh Films production.
"I am not being offered any film. They are launching other people... Giving 100 crore to other people. But jokes apart I think they are waiting for the right project and the right time. Till now nothing has come my way. It will happen. And when it does it will be with a bang," Alia said.
When asked how she researched for her character, Alia said, "My only training came from Imtiaz. I don't like to get reference from anyone because the spontaneity goes away. Unless it really requires like if I play a lawyer or something then I will do some research for body language.
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"This film required my character to be me. This urban city girl, who has been untouched. The character really fascinated me, especially her transition," she added.
But Alia is not considering it as a career option and feels playback singing should not be eliminated.
"We have got some really good playback singers... The industry has some beautiful voices. It is interesting also that actors do their own singing. I don't know about singing in other films but I am intrigued to learn music. Rahman sir insisted that I should learn," Alia said.
'Highway' also stars Randeep Hooda and the film will hit theatres on February 21.