IT services major Wipro Thursday said it has set up an Innovation and Talent Hub in Reading, UK to train computer science graduates and degree apprentices in digital technologies.
The multifunctional hub will be a centre of excellence for 'Ascent', Wipro's talent development programme launched in 2017 to train UK-based computer science graduates and degree apprentices in digital technologies, Wipro said in a statement.
To date, the programme has trained and placed 95 digital technology graduates and 40 digital technology degree apprentices in client projects at Wipro across the UK, it added.
No investment details were disclosed.
In addition, the hub will also run work experience programmes for school leavers, internship programmes for university students, and training programmes for employees.
Besides, it will also provide a collaborative space for co-innovation and unique learning projects with clients, the statement said.
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"Our Innovation and Talent Hub in Reading reinforces our commitment to developing fruitful partnerships with academic institutions, incubate talent and encourage a workplace culture that fosters innovation and fresh thinking," Wipro CEO and Executive Director Abidali Z Neemuchwala said.
He added that the company recognises the value of nurturing and skilling local talent and the facility in Reading embodies its commitment to local hiring.
Wipro, which has been present in the UK for over two decades, works with customers across sectors like financial services, energy, natural resources, utilities, retail, and consumer goods industries.
Wipro has IT development centres and digital pods in Reading, Hemel Hempstead, East Kilbride, Aberdeen, Inverness, Edinburgh and London.