IT major Wipro Thursday said it is setting up a new centre of excellence in the Minneapolis-St Paul region in the US, and the move is expected to add 100 local jobs over the next two years.
"Wipro and client teams will collaborate on digital solutions, with a focus on financial technology, and will add 100 local jobs over the next two years to its already substantial presence in the twin cities," Wipro said in a statement.
Wipro specifically plans to leverage local Minnesota talent in addition to providing opportunities for recent university graduates and experts keen on developing their technology-related skills, it added.
"By applying Wipro's No-Shore delivery model, where geography is not a limitation but a gateway for developing the best new products and services, we maximise local talent and customer value," Wipro Senior Vice President and Global Head (BFSI) Angan Guha said.
The Bengaluru-based company, whose IT services revenue was at USD 8.12 billion in 2018-19, saw Americas accounting for close to 57 per cent of its topline. It had a headcount of more than 1.71 lakh people at the end of March 31, 2019.