After learning about the incident, Ghatlodia police detained the toilet attendant, who is the prime suspect, who would be formally arrested after the woman's statement is taken.
The woman has been admitted to the Sola Civil Hospital, since she sustained internal injuries and fell unconscious, Ghatlodia police inspector A G Gohil said.
Investigation revealed that the victim is a widow and lives in the Memnagar area who used the public toilet facility near her house since the past few days.
When she went to the toilet this evening, the attendant allegedly stormed inside the toilet and raped her, which resulted in internal injuries.
After hearing her cries, locals rushed to the spot and called the police. They also nabbed another attendant and handed him over to police.
"However, the accused fled the spot before people could catch him. Later, we nabbed him based on details given by another attendant. The woman is now being treated at Sola Civil Hospital," Gohil, who is probing the case said.