Sugandhamani repeatedly hit 50-year-old Ravikumar, former servant in her house, with a big stone, killing him on the spot at the bus stand in Periyanaickenpalayam at 8 AM even as the commuters and passersby ran helter skelter.
She then boarded a bus, reached the local police station and gave herself up, police said.
Police recovered the body and said the woman had been taken into custody and further investigations were on.
Ravikumar had come out on bail only a few days ago after being lodged in the central prison here following his arrest for allegedly murdering Sugandhamani's husband Rangasami about one-and-half years ago.
After coming out on bail, Ravikumar had visited Sugandhamani last night and allegedly threatened her at knife point of dire consequences over the murder case, police said.