Bani Sharma, who made her living as a maid, had been admitted to state-run B N Bose Hospital at Barrackpore on August 10 with allergic complications, said Deputy Commissioner (Detective Department) of Barrackpore Commissionerate C Sudhakar.
An ambulance driver of the hospital had dumped her on the wayside near her home at Jagatdal the next night, he said.
When her visually challenged husband found her missing the next day and complained to the hospital officials, he was told by the ward master that she was missing and a diary had been lodged with the police.
On proning the matter, it was found that the woman had been admitted to Bhatpara government hospital by the people who had found her lying on the road at Jagatdal.
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State Health Minister Chandrima Bhattacharya visited the woman and following her intervention, she was admitted to the Belle Vue Nursing Home and Clinic in the city for better treatment. She died there last night, Sudhakar said.
Hospital superintendent Mridul Ghosh was suspended in connection with the incident on August 15, authorities said.