The auto-rickshaw driver was arrested by the police after the woman identified him, Hajipur GRP, Station House Officer (SHO), Imran Alam said adding that the case has been handed over to the women's police station where an FIR has been lodged on the basis of the victim's statement.
The woman, a maid of a Patna High Court lawyer, was on her way to Patna from Hajipur in an auto-rickshaw whose driver and another person raped her at an isolated place near Kela bazar near Gandhi Setu under town police station of the district last night, the police officer said.
After the incident, the victim returned to Hajipur railway station in the same auto-rickshaw and she narrated her woes to the Hajipur GRP SHO, who arrested the auto-rickshaw driver while the person is absconding.