Shyamali Devi (60), resident of a village in Goraul police station area of neighbouring district of Vaishali, underwent an eye surgery at a hospital situated in Brahmapura police station area of Muzaffarpur last evening.
"After being operated upon, the woman was given some medicines. When she asked for water to swallow the tablets with, a paramedical staff handed over a bottle thinking it to be full of water", Brahmapura SHO Dharmendra Kumar said.
The victim had experienced severe burn injuries in mouth and throat after swallowing acid by mistake.
"We could not record the woman's statement as she was not in a position to say anything. Nevertheless, an FIR has been lodged against the erring doctor and the staff and action will be taken after investigation", he said.
Civil surgeon Lalita Singh "prima facie it appears to be an instance of gross negligence on part of the medical professionals involved. Stern action will be taken after investigations are complete".