The incident happened on Friday when doctors at the Government Sub District Hospital (SDH) in Akhnoor referred Nisha Devi to Shri Maharaja Gulab Singh Hospital (SMGS) in Jammu, after she developed labour-related complications.
However, no ambulance was provided by the hospital despite being available, the woman's family alleged.
The woman and her husband were then forced to board a private bus to reach Jammu, where she soon went into labour pain. A pharmacist of the health department who was standing near the bus stand helped carry out normal delivery.
"There was no dearth of ambulance in the hospital. I have constituted a two-member committee and ordered an inquiry into the incident. Whosoever is found guilty will be punished," Director of Health Services, Jammu, BS Pathania said.
Initial inquiry revealed that after being referred to the SMGS hospital and before boarding the bus, the husband and wife had gone to a private clinic in Akhnoor, he said.