Additional Sessions Judge (ASJ) Gautam Manan handed down the jail term to Kanta, a resident of Najafgarh here, and her brother Anil Kumar after holding them guilty of the offences under sections 302 (murder) and 34 (common intention) of IPC.
The court relied on the testimony of the father, mother and brother of deceased Anil, saying their deposition proved that both the convicts were involved in assaulting the victim which resulted in his death.
"The prosecution has duly proved their case that both the persons are guilty of murdering the deceased in furtherance of their common intention," it said and imposed a fine of Rs 10,000 each on the convicts.
According to the police, Kanta, along with her brother Anil Kumar, had murdered her husband on July 14, 2011 by beating him with a wooden stick. They had later strangulated the victim, it said.
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The court said that post mortem report of the victim showed that there were 35 injury marks on his body.
Both the convicts had denied allegations levelled against them and had claimed that due to property dispute, Kanta was falsely implicated in this case.